Debtors Unite: Help with Car Payments
Help with Car Payments, Loans and Refinance
Reduce Vehicle Costs
Frustration with Car

About Us

Debtors Unite, Inc. is a national financial education company based in Raleigh, NC. It is a unique partnership of nonprofit charities and financial counseling organizations.

You may have quickly noticed that this website is very different from the promotional sites that make some pretty amazing claims. Debtors Unite created this site specifically to address this outbreak of scammers who are taking advantage of vulnerable debtors who are desperate to keep their cars.

Our goal is to help debtors understand their rights and responsibilities, to identify legitimate options that they can take and to help them steer clear of charlatans who are running loan modification scams. If we expose these scams before you send them your money, then that is more money that you can use toward restoring your credit.

While this website focuses specifically on help with car payments, Debtors Unite also maintains debtor forums, consumer information blogs and a vast collection of financial articles to help you find the answers that you need.

If you came to this website because you were looking for help modifying your car loan, count your blessings that you made it here rather than one of the many scam sites. My goal is to expose rogue operations and help you find safe alternatives to repossession.

Please enjoy your visit. It is my sincere hope that you get the answers you need so that you can improve your situation.



Kenneth Long, CEO
Debtors Unite, Inc.

Our Promise
Unlike the advertisements that you may see claiming that they can modify your car loan, we tell you the truth. We do not modify your car loan, and neither do they. The difference is that we don't charge you and instead give you the tools you need to keep your car.
Car Loan Advocate
                                                                                                                    Copyright © 2010-2012 Debtors Unite, Inc.
Debtors Unite, Inc.
5540 Centerview Drive
Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27606